Voice Acting Mastery: Become a Master Voice Actor in the World of Voice Over
A podcast by Crispin Freeman | Voice Actor

218 Episodio
Do you want to learn how to voice act? Does getting paid to work in voice over sound appealing? Is it your dream to play characters in animation, video games or anime? You've come to the right place! The Voice Acting Mastery podcast is your source for insider information, tips and tricks on how to become a master voice actor in the world of voice over. Hosted by voice actor Crispin Freeman, this monthly podcast will give you the tools and the mindset you need to succeed in voice acting, even if you're just getting started! You'll learn vital information like: What does it take to be a voice actor? How do I break in to the business of voice over? Can I really make money as a voice actor? What sort of recording equipment do I need? How do I create a home studio? Do I need a demo? How do I find an agent? and much more! Whether you're new to voice acting or already have a career in voice over, you'll find valuable information in the Voice Acting Mastery podcast!