Spirit Box

A podcast by Darragh Mason


167 Episodio

  1. #84 / Sasha Ravitch on Folkloric Witchcraft, Astrology and generational spirit issues

    Pubblicato: 04/02/2022
  2. #83 / Gabriel McCaughry, A Wayfarer’s Hearth.

    Pubblicato: 28/01/2022
  3. #82 / Dr Mark Fitzpatrick on belief, place and dual observance.

    Pubblicato: 21/01/2022
  4. #81 / Kaf Ajnoun, The Fortress of the Jinn

    Pubblicato: 14/01/2022
  5. #80 / Geoff Thompson on fear, autonomy & winning ones will.

    Pubblicato: 06/01/2022
  6. #79 / Rev Danny Nemu on Ayahuasca, Plant teachers in the Bible & The Apocalypse

    Pubblicato: 17/12/2021
  7. #78 / Aidan Wachter, Changeling: A book of Qualities

    Pubblicato: 10/12/2021
  8. #77 / Peter Mark Adams on Sola-Busca tarot , Reiki & Entity attachment.

    Pubblicato: 03/12/2021
  9. #76 / Veronica Rivas on Maria Padilha, Kurukulla & Dakinis.

    Pubblicato: 24/11/2021
  10. #75 / Nathan Isaac on The Penny Royal Podcast

    Pubblicato: 22/10/2021
  11. #74 / Trialogue, Tommie Kelly, Spud Murphy. Divinity in Nature and Blood in Magick

    Pubblicato: 15/10/2021
  12. #73 / Wren Collier on Creativity, Mycelia and Astral Travelling.

    Pubblicato: 24/09/2021
  13. #72 / Dr Maria Vivod, The Fairy Seers of Eastern Serbia.

    Pubblicato: 17/09/2021
  14. #71 / Jason Miller, Spirits, Travel and the Cremation grounds of Pashupatinath.

    Pubblicato: 09/09/2021
  15. #70 / Michelle DeVrieze on the Hidden Predator: the shadow side of Reality

    Pubblicato: 03/09/2021
  16. #69 / Hand of Nikara, Ayahuasca: The Dark Side of the Medicine

    Pubblicato: 22/08/2021
  17. #68 / The Puck Fair and marriage to the land

    Pubblicato: 14/08/2021
  18. #67 / Peter Grey on The Two Antichrists

    Pubblicato: 30/07/2021
  19. #66 / Jake Kobrin on creativity, art, healing and plant medicine

    Pubblicato: 23/07/2021
  20. #65 / Anthony Tyler on perspectives on good and evil

    Pubblicato: 15/07/2021

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SPIRIT BOX A podcast exploring folklore, esoterica and the mysteries of spirit world. From the secrets of the Jinn to the whisperings of demons and everything in between.

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