Our State - South Australia

A podcast by DPC Communications


311 Episodio

  1. 01/07/2024 - AGSA Brent Harris: Surrender & Catch Exhibition - Art Gallery of South Australia

    Pubblicato: 03/07/2024
  2. 24/06/2024 - South Australian Autism Strategy 2024-2029 - Department of Human Services

    Pubblicato: 24/06/2024
  3. 17/06/2024 - SA wine sector’s Outbound Knowledge Exchange Bursary Program - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

    Pubblicato: 17/06/2024
  4. 03/06/2024 - SA Health - 2024 flu season

    Pubblicato: 03/06/2024
  5. 27/05/2024 - Palliative care - SA Health

    Pubblicato: 28/05/2024
  6. 20/05/024 - National Volunteer Week 2024 - Department for Child Protection

    Pubblicato: 21/05/2024
  7. 13/05/2024 - Renewing your Working with Children Check - Department of Human Services

    Pubblicato: 13/05/2024
  8. 06/05/2024 - Opera House net exchange - Green Adelaide Landscape Board

    Pubblicato: 08/05/2024
  9. 29/04/2024 - Tasting Australia - South Australian Tourism Commission

    Pubblicato: 01/05/2024
  10. 15/04/2024 - SASI: Talent Search - South Australian Sports Institute

    Pubblicato: 15/04/2024
  11. 08/04/2024 - 2023 State of the Environment Report - Department for Environment and Water

    Pubblicato: 08/04/2024
  12. 25/03/2024 - Pavely App - Department of Human Services

    Pubblicato: 26/03/2024
  13. 18/03/2024 - 2023 Governor’s Multicultural Awards’ Recipients - Department of the Premier and Cabinet

    Pubblicato: 19/03/2024
  14. 04/03/2024 - Abalone virus and fishing restrictions - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

    Pubblicato: 05/03/2024
  15. 26/02/2024 - Inner Sanctum 18th Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art - Art Gallery of South Australia

    Pubblicato: 26/02/2024
  16. 19/02/2024 - AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award for South Australia - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

    Pubblicato: 19/02/2024
  17. 12/02/2024 - Australia Day Honours - Department of the Premier and Cabinet

    Pubblicato: 12/02/2024
  18. 05/02/2024 - Findon Technical College - Department for Education

    Pubblicato: 05/02/2024
  19. 29/01/2024 - 2024 South Australian Volunteer Awards - Department of Human Services

    Pubblicato: 29/01/2024
  20. 22/01/2024 - New Year New Works - Art Gallery of South Australia

    Pubblicato: 22/01/2024

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‘Our State’ is a half-hour, weekly radio segment airing 1:30pm ACST each Monday on Adelaide's FiveAA.The program focuses on uncovering and sharing important subjects: the interesting, the significant, the future, the unknown and the things that are happening, right now, in South Australia. Each week, a wide range of guests discuss achievements, initiatives and events which highlight South Australia’s priorities.