Historical Homos

A podcast by Sebastian Hendra


42 Episodio

  1. A Queer History of Sluts (feat. Coco)

    Pubblicato: 26/12/2024
  2. American Teenager: The History of Trans Youth (feat. Nico Lang)

    Pubblicato: 12/12/2024
  3. Abraham Lincoln: Lover of Men (feat. Shaun Peterson)

    Pubblicato: 28/11/2024
  4. Tamara de Lempicka: Bisexual Baroness of Art Deco (feat. Stephen Brower)

    Pubblicato: 14/11/2024
  5. A Queer History of Mermaids (feat. Sacha Coward)

    Pubblicato: 31/10/2024
  6. RENAISSANCE: Queer Harlem's Forgotten "Flamboyants" (feat. George M. Johnson)

    Pubblicato: 17/10/2024
  7. Thom Gunn: Poet Laureate of the AIDS Epidemic (feat. Michael Nott)

    Pubblicato: 03/10/2024
  8. "Kinaidoi," Forgotten F*ggots of Classical Antiquity? (feat. Prof. Tom Sapsford)

    Pubblicato: 19/09/2024
  9. Samurai Sissies: Getting Railed In Medieval Japan (feat. Dylan Adler)

    Pubblicato: 05/09/2024
  10. Virginia Woolf Invented Lesbian Love Letters (Summer Repeat)

    Pubblicato: 22/08/2024
  11. Hadrian & Antinous: Toxic Boyfriends of the Roman Empire (feat. Neil D'Astolfo)

    Pubblicato: 08/08/2024
  12. The Symposium a.k.a. Let's Have An Ancient Greek Kiki (feat. Cosima Carnegie)

    Pubblicato: 25/07/2024
  13. Mademoiselle Raucourt, Priestess of Parisian Lesbos (Summer Repeat)

    Pubblicato: 11/07/2024
  14. Gad Beck: The Gay Jew Who Lived (feat. Andrew Lear)

    Pubblicato: 27/06/2024
  15. Oh, Molly! Queer Culture in Georgian London (feat. AJ West)

    Pubblicato: 20/06/2024
  16. Where Do Gay Animals Come From? (feat. A Field Guide To Gay Animals)

    Pubblicato: 13/06/2024
  17. A Short History of Bottoms (feat. The Bottom's Digest)

    Pubblicato: 06/06/2024
  18. How To Be Gay In London...100 Years Ago (feat. Peter Parker)

    Pubblicato: 30/05/2024
  19. PERIOD PIECE: Leonard Bernstein, "Maestro" Of My Loins

    Pubblicato: 16/05/2024
  20. Saint Sebastian: Rise of the Renaissance Twink (feat. R. Eric Thomas)

    Pubblicato: 02/05/2024

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The no-fucks-given guide to LGBTQ+ history. Welcome to the Gayest Stories Never Told! Hosted by Bash. Edited by Alex Toskas. Sign up on our website, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok.

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