Special episode: Tolkien’s Oxford

Tolkienpodden - A podcast by Adam Westlund, Elisabet Bergander & Daniel Möller.


Welcome to a special episode of Tolkienpodden — Sweden's only podcast about the author J.R.R. Tolkien! During our visit to Oxford this summer, we had the opportunity to meet and interview some really interesting people: Catherine McIlwaine, Tolkien archivist at the Bodleian Libraries, curator of the Tolkien Exhibition at the library and author of the accompanying book; Dr Stuart Lee, professor at the English faculty at Merton College and co-author and editor of several books about Tolkien; and Dr Courtenay Phillips, emeritus fellow in chemistry at Merton College and a former colleague of Tolkien. In this special episode, our first in English, we've edited together the three interviews, since they might be of interest to a non-Swedish speaking audience.Till våra svenska lyssnare: detta avsnitt innehåller inget nytt material, utan består av intervjuer hämtade från avsnitt 16 och 17.

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