Creating Your Vision for the New Year

Thriving Artists Podcast - A podcast by Thrive Together Network


A new year is an opportunity for a clean slate and setting a new vision for your work as an artist. We talk a lot about setting goals so we wanted to take a step back and actually think about the larger vision you have for your art career. Having a vision provides artists with a roadmap to navigate their artistic journey. It's like a guiding light that helps you make decisions, set goals, and stay focused amidst the inevitable challenges and distractions. In Episode #60 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, Creating Your Vision For The New Year, we deep dive into dreaming big and turning that into a concrete vision so you can define your artistic identity, understand your purpose and communicate your perspective to the world.   Jamie and Kaylan’s 4 Steps to Creating Your Vision for the New Year are: Self-Reflection: Ask yourself three questions - What drives you as an artist? What themes or subjects resonate with you? What kind of impact do you want your art to have on others?  Think Big and Visualize Your Art Career: Imagine yourself five or ten years from now. What does success look like to you? Picture the exhibitions, the collaborations, the recognition, and the personal growth you aspire to achieve. Visualizing your ideal future allows you to set ambitious yet achievable goals that align with your vision. Create a Vision Board or a Journal: Collect images, quotes, and ideas that represent your artistic aspirations. Use this visual representation as a constant reminder of your goals and keep adding to it as your vision evolves. Vision boards also work because they keep your goals as a focus and help you “see” what you really want.  Create a Concrete Plan: We can’t just expect our dreams to happen, we need to identify the skills, resources, and knowledge we need to acquire along the way to make it happen. Use resources like our Thriving Artists Map to create a step by step list of tasks and identify the skills, resources, and knowledge you need to work toward your vision.   If you are a TTN Member, you get a pdf copy of the Thriving Artists Map as part of your membership! And always, everyone can grab a physical copy to use along with our membership or independently here. We are here for you, we are cheering you on, and we believe in the work you are doing as thriving artists!  Join the Thrive Together Network to build your network of support! Visit to learn more!