6 Dot Braille Labeler With Glenn Dobbs (The Way I See It #27)

The Way I See It - A podcast by Remarkable Chatter

Glenn Dobbs visits with Estin Talaver in regards to the new 6 Dot braille labeler that LoganTech has developed.  LoganTech was established in 2015 to realign   and as well as to deliver new products of AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication), low vision, and Braille technology.
Join Estin as he visits with Glenn Dobbs to hear what sparked Glenn to have the passion to create new technology tools to help those that need assistive technology.
Contract Glenn Dobbs at
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 203-721-6074
You can contact Estin at:
twitter @estintalavera
email [email protected]
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