S7: E1 Cultural considerations with Jayneel

The Stork and I - A podcast by thestorkandi


In todays episode we meet with Jayneel Patel about her journey to solo parenthood.   In the episode we discussed: Coming from an Indian family and the impact that has on the decision to become a solo parent Going through an arranged marriage and the learnings from that Considering adoption Having the support of the important people in our lives Being embraced by the extended family Choosing a sperm donor and considerations around ethnicity Getting things done as a solo parent Juggling career and parenthood And much more!   If you want to follow Jayneel you can find her at @jp1409   Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!   About Mel Johnson Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.    I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood   Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website   Newsletter I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here   Instagram: Join our Instagram community for more support   Thriving Solo: You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.               

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