S5: E6 Julianne Boutaleb, Perinatal Psychologist

The Stork and I - A podcast by thestorkandi


In todays episode I speak to Julianne Boutaleb.  Julianne is the Clinical Director and Founder of the Parenthood In Mind practice. She is a passionate and highly experienced perinatal psychologist who has worked for over 20 years in the NHS and private practice with parents and parents-to-be and their babies (and bumps) who have needed support with a wide variety of issues.    In todays episode we cover:  - Our reproductive stories and coming to terms with the fact that they might be different to how we originally thought they would be - Dealing with feelings of loneliness and shame - Managing the 'ouch moments' beyond the fairytale - Projections on our beliefs of motherhood - The feelings of finding parenting hard after a difficult fertility journey - The importance of finding our village - The importance of filling our own cup - Tips of how to manage tricky questions that catch us off guard  and much more.....   Connect with Julianne:  Website: https://www.parenthoodinmind.co.uk/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parenthoodinmind/   Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!   About Mel Johnson Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.  I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at www.thestorkandi.com   Instagram: Join our Instagram community for more support: www.instagram.com/the_stork_and_i   Thriving Solo: You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums here: https://members.thestorkandi.com   Future Events:  You can see our planned future events here: https://members.thestorkandi.com/webinar-library/      

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