History of Science & Technology Q&A (November 20, 2024)

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast - A podcast by Wolfram Research


Stephen Wolfram answers questions from his viewers about the history of science and technology as part of an unscripted livestream series, also available on YouTube here: https://wolfr.am/youtube-sw-qa Questions include: Can you tell us anything about the history of quantum mechanics? - What's the craziest historical debate between physicists about quantum theory? - Thoughts on extending Kirchhoff's blackbody experiments to astronomical bodies? - Was the Copenhagen interpretation a mistake, in regard to how paradoxical results were "glossed over"? - Can you tell us more about Schrödinger's cat? What is actually happening? - Aren't zero-point fluctuations an absolute reference frame and therefore a fatal blow to relativity? - Did Feynman's work on quantum electrodynamics completely change the game, or was it just building on others? - ​​What do you think about Wheeler's participatory universe idea? - You got to meet all these neat people Mr. W! It's nice to hear your stories about meeting them.

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