481: 3 Ways To Be A Better Critical Thinker

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


I don’t need to tell you there is a lot of noise right now.

So. Much. Noise.

I want to encourage you (while I’m also encouraging myself, lol) to step back from the noise to become a better critical thinker. 

It’s easy to let the high emotions of this election season (and the pandemic and the cultural revolution) cause us to react in knee jerk ways.  But that is not effective or productive. 

Instead of knee jerk reactions, the best gift we can give ourselves and those who might benefit from the value of our voice, is to LISTEN. 

Rather than adding to the noise, listen for a moment before you speak.  And then, when you do speak, speak in a way that creates space for others to listen and be in conversation with you.  Speak with well formulated thoughts that can actually have impact.  Speak with your authentic voice that will allow others to learn and grow with you.

And after you speak, sit back and restore your head and your heart in order to get back to listening. 

Listen in to hear me walk you through this 3 part process LISTEN-SPEAK-RESTORE to see how you can escape the noise, add value to the conversations that matter, and sustain this climate that is bound to remain heavy and heated for quite some time.

Your voice has value.  Become a better critical thinker to use it to the very best of your ability.

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