479: How RBG Will Live On In Us

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


I found myself gutted the moment I heard.

I felt a familiar sinking feeling wash over my entire body.  It was the same feeling I had on that fateful day after the election in November of 2016.

I texted a girlfriend: Omg. RBG.

She replied: I kind of feel like the world is ending.

I felt the same. 

A few minutes later, I saw this RBG quote on social media, "I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability." 

I texted this quote to my friend and said: This is giving me solace.  I feel like we are doing this. 

She replied: That is true and a good reminder.

I've spent the last week reflecting on the gifts RBG gave us.  Here are 3 lessons she taught us that will serve as my inspiration to keep working to the best of my ability #everydamnday.  I am sharing them with you in hopes they will inspire your life and your legacy, as well.

  1. Speak up loud and proud - even when (especially when) you have an unpopular opinion.
  2. Trust that your voice has value.
  3. Be persistent.

We have a massive responsibility to SHOW UP right now.  We need to show up for this election season like we have never shown up before.  Black lives, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the health of our planet are all in imminent danger right now.  The loss of RBG and the implications on the Supreme Court and the future of our country are monumental, to say the least.

Listen in to get inspired and fired up to SHOW UP and SHINE for the next 6 weeks. 

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