475: 4 Ways Podcasting Changed My Life

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


This time 5 years ago I had just started listening to podcasts.  I was inspired and challenged by so many things I learned from the mentors I invited into my ears.  I was soaking so many new opportunities for learning and growth. 

Within a few months, I would decide that I wanted to start my own podcast… someday….

I figured it would take me many months, if not a year or so to get a show off the ground.  However, when I shared this dream with another podcaster, the momentum began and I had a show up and running within a matter of 8 weeks. 


I didn’t expect it to happen so fast at all.  But my podcaster friend was quick to remind me that there is no reason to wait to share your message or your mission with the world.  He was so right.

I know there are mamas who tune into me twice a week religiously who think, “Mayyyybe someday I’ll start my own podcast.” 

Maybe that someday is now???

Podcasting has changed my life in some very profound ways.  It has afforded me opportunities for impact and growth that I never saw coming.  I has allowed me to build beautiful and deeply profound client relationships, upgrade my entrepreneurial skills (and income), make ridiculously awesome new friends and colleagues, and redefine what I stand for and where I am going.

Podcasting can do the same for you.

Listen in to hear how podcasting has changed my life and can change yours too.

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