474: Nicole Adams: Create Your Own Motherhood Mission Statement

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


As a mother, educator, businesswoman, and household manager, Nicole Adams leverage’s her life experiences, dual masters degrees, and 15 years of Fortune 100 human resources expertise to assist working parents in increasing their confidence, capability, and fulfillment in their career and life. Using a combination of therapeutic and business acumen tactics, Nicole partners with individuals and companies to provide coaching, workshops, events, and custom programs to create deeper support and engagement.

Nicole told me she wanted to come on the show to talk about her motherhood mission statement and I thought this would fit so well with all the talk we’ve been having around core values recently.  I love the idea of having a motherhood mission statement and hope you’ll create your own after listening to this conversation with Nicole.

Listen in to hear Nicole share:

  • The impact a road trip from Seattle to South America had on her identity
  • How creating a personal mission statement shifted her sense of self and identity
  • How she recognized her loss of identity in motherhood - and then rebuilt it
  • How to create your own Motherhood Mission Statement
  • The two things she wishes she did differently when she became a mom (her advice to new moms!)
  • The importance of letting your mission statement grow and evolve over time

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