465: How Motherhood Massively Boosts Your Adaptability Quotient

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


Do you know your AQ?  AQ is a new(ish) way to measure how adaptable you are.  You are probably familiar with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient).  AQ rounds out this trio, measuring your ability to adapt to and thrive in an environment of change.

So, here’s the cool thing…

Moms ROCK when it comes to AQ.  Because motherhood makes even the most Type A, perfectionistic control freak (like me!) more adaptable. 

Annnnd, COVID if boosting your AQ #everydamnday - because have you ever had to be more adaptable???

I just started learning about AQ, but I’m so intrigued by this measure and how moms can use it to gain power in our communities. 

Tune in to learn why your AQ matters, your personal AQ score, and specific steps to boost your AQ. 

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