460: Elizabeth Hartke: How To Set Your Sails & Craft Your Vision

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


Elizabeth is a Shameless Mom and a Business Scaling Strategist who mentors impact-driven entrepreneurs in scaling their influence, income, and time freedom without having to trade time for money or values for the vision. She's fiercely passionate about helping go-getters build the business that aligns with their purpose and their dreams. After building two 7 figure businesses and having the privilege of working with hundreds and hundreds of entrepreneurs, she now runs her businesses and hosts her podcast, Scaling Up, from the rolling hills of her hobby farm with her three little kids and husband as she practices what she preaches - working hard to have the freedom to truly live! Through her online courses, podcast, full immersion workshops, mastermind, mentorships, and speaking engagements, Elizabeth lives to show her students, clients, and the people she encounters what's truly possible.

Listen in to hear Elizabeth share:

  • Her lifestyle raising 3 little ones on her hobby farm
  • How the workforce has changed over the last 3 generations and what we can learn from this massive evolution
  • The difference between flowing in the wind and setting your sails to make time work in your favor
  • How her health journey woke her up in all areas of her life
  • The mistakes women are making in crafting their visions (and maybe their vision board too!)
  • Why you must get granular with your goal
  • Why you need to stop asking “What do I want to do?” and start asking, “Who do I want to become?”
  • The inaccurate and unsustainable expectation of work/life balance in motherhood
  • What the unsexy day to day chipping away at your dreams truly looks like

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