459: 5 Ways To Dream Big When Everything Is Unpredictable

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


Have you lost your mojo?  The world is so uncertain right now and there is no end in sight.  Around us we see people losing steam and losing hope.  People are sitting down.

I want to lovingly challenge you to STAY STANDING.  Keep moving forward.  Even if your steps are barely measurable.  Any step forward is a step forward, no matter the size.  And a step forward keeps you in momentum, which is key when things are hard.

The world can't afford for you to sit down.  We can't afford for you to quit dreaming.  We need you to keep going.  Our country needs you to keep going.  Your community needs you to keep going.  Your family needs you to keep going.

Keep dreaming even if the dream has shifted.

Keep dreaming even if the timeline toward your dreams is totally unknown.

Keep dreaming even if your dreams feel a little silly or trivial or insignificant. 

It is our dreaming that keeps our spirits up, our heads and hearts engaged, and our souls on fire.

You need your dreams now more than ever before. 

If you're struggling  right now, here are a few steps you can take to keep showing up for your dreams:

  1. Own what is working and what you do have control over
  2. Set some dreamy 3 year goals
  3. Make space to be quiet and creative #everydamnday
  4. Connect with other women who are still standing and in staying in momentum

I’m not going to watch you let your dreams die.  STAND UP.  If you need someone to hold your hand, I got you.

Links mentioned: 

  • [TIME SENSITIVE] Enroll in Momentum Mamas: shamelessmom.com/momentum

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