453: 5 Small Steps to Build Big Courage

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


Practicing courage is a lifetime of showing up and taking small, uncomfortable steps.  Sometimes things work out for you.  Sometimes they don’t.  Sometimes the rewards are quick and amazing and so gratifying.  Sometimes it’s all really messy and ugly and painful.  Regardless, for many of us (all of us?), routinely practicing courage is the only way to continually become more of the person we aspire to be.  Am I right?

When I think of who I am becoming, all I see in front of me is a series of action steps that will require courage.  So, I am taking small steps each day to make sure that I am ready to keep practicing courage, no matter how gratifying or gritty it becomes. 

Listen in to learn 5 small steps you can take to build big courage that will guide you for a lifetime.

Links Mentioned:

  • Join my FREE Shine Like A Mother Workshop on July 15th: shamelessmom.com/shine


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