451: Persistence, Permission & Power

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


If there has ever been a time to persist, it is now. 

Persistence leads to change and growth and evolution and POWER. 

And...there is no denying that persistence is hard.  It can be overwhelming, exhausting, and feel so relentless.  It is all those things, but that doesn’t make it impossible.  In our fatigue, it’s easy to lose track of the importance of what we are working toward.  

To stay persistent we must give ourselves permission.  

Permission to:

Do better


Take imperfect action

Be an action taker and decision maker

Mess up and keep going

Use your voice

Take a chance

Learn something new

Take sides

Rest and recover in order to keep going

Step back from unhealthy relationships/unhealthy people

Say yes

Say no

Become a different person

Listen to your gut (ex: Patty)

Let go of other peoples’ expectations

Be bold


In giving yourself permission to persist, you will find the power to use your voice in new ways, to affect change, to build a better legacy, and to have more massive impact.  This is how we can, together, build a better world for all.


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