449: The Breakdown and Rebuilding of Self Trust in 2020

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


I think it’s safe to say that 2020 has broken many (all?) of us over and over. 

A friend recently introduced me to the idea of being antifragile, based on the work and book Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.  She shared with me that in our breaking we have this beautiful opportunity to pick up the pieces and rebuild into something more dynamic and flexible and strong and powerful and thoughtful and conscientious. 

We will break and we can rebuild and in our rebuilding we can become better than before.  We can embrace that we will break over and over in our lifetime and each time something beautiful can come of the way we put the pieces back together. 

There has been a lot of breaking in 2020.  In our breaking, our self trust has been ROCKED.  Repeatedly.

It is time to rebuild.  Listen in to learn 6 ways that you can start to rebuild into a woman who is more dynamic, flexible, strong, powerful, thoughtful, and conscientious.

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