447: Black Lives Matter and SMA Core Values

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


This episode is different.  A break from our routines and comfort zones are necessary right now. 

If you follow me on social media or have listened to my show for any length of time, this probably goes without saying.  But, to be unequivocally clear, I want you to know that personally and professionally I believe Black Lives Matter. 

The Shameless Mom Academy is built on the following core values:

Show up

Lead with compassion and integrity

Seek out and celebrate diversity

Stay curious and humble

Stretch yourself | Embrace discomfort | Invite growth

These core values are considered in all decisions around building this community, providing services to clients, and creating impact on a global level.

I am very open about my beliefs, but if you ever want to know more about the company or core values you’re supporting when you listen to my show or invest in any of my programs, events, memberships or masterminds, please feel free to reach out to me. 

In this same vein of transparency, you should also know that when you invest in the Shameless Mom Academy a portion of our revenue each month goes to the following organizations: The Loveland Foundation, Under The Same Tree, the ACLU, the Trevor Project and Planned Parenthood.

I believe all companies should be leading with pure transparency around where they stand when it comes to protecting black lives and human rights. 

This episode is intentionally brief, with an invitation for you to prioritize learning from black educators today.

Go download one of these audiobooks or podcasts and listen & learn:

Me & White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, Become a Good Ancestor by Layla Saad

I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made For Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown

So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

This Body Is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

Good Ancestor Podcast with Layla Saad 

First Name Basis Podcast with Jasmine Bradshaw (how to talk to your kids about race): 

Seeing White Podcast 

Watch Rachel Cargle’s Public Address on Revolution on Youtube

Sign up for Mirna Valerio’s upcoming course: Introduction to Identity, Social Justice, and Antiracism for the White Community


Visit the podcast's native language site