446: Abbi Wood: Finding Your Voice Outside of Your Family and Culture

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


As a woman and person of color, Abbi Wood has heard more than her fair share of what to say and do in the world. At times a whisper, and at times a yell, she's used her voice to create what she calls a full and fulfilling life. Primarily, she works with biz owners to help them find their voice (or, as she calls it, uncover their biznality) so that marketing and talking about their business feels like a natural extension of themselves vs an out-of-body experience.

I reached out to Abbi after hearing her speak at an event.  She was there to speak about helping women find their voices in their businesses and brands.  But what was so compelling about her talk was her own story about finding her own voice after being silenced by her family, pushed into an arranged marriage, and moving across the world to build a completely new and independent life.

Listen in to hear Abbi share:

  • Her experience being raised in Pakistani family in England
  • Her experience feeling like she didn’t fit in anywhere - in her brown family or in her white world
  • How her voice was quieted by her family and culture
  • Her path into an arranged marriage
  • How she ended up secretly on birth control while also in fertility treatment
  • How she got out of her arranged marriage and found her voice
  • How she helps women find their voices, embrace their stories and create their biznality

Links mentioned:

Connect with Abbi: Abbi Wood

Abbi and Biznality on FB

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