443: How To Reboot Your Body In A Pandemic

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


I’m wondering how many of you, like me, saw the beginning of this pandemic as similar to a series of snow days or a long weekend?  Perhaps you let typical habits and routines go in order to hunker down with late-night TV binging, extra treats, lotsa wine, little movement, and a bit of disregard for what really fuels your body.

Perhaps as you got deeper into this weird and unsettling season of life, you had less and less time to yourself.  You stopped doing restorative activities that allowed you to have moments to yourself to think and breath - probably because there was no way to actually be alone. 

We are now months into this season of life and many of us are suffering because we have let go of the habits that truly serve us: fueling our bodies well, moving our bodies to process stress, and resting/restoring when we need time and space to ourselves. 

Listen in to hear how you can get your body back into a groove that supports the energy you want to carry each day - and gifts you the space you need to keep your head above water. 

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