433: 4 Things To Quit Right Now

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


As we get deeper into pandemic life, there is more and more need to take a critical look at what’s working for you, what’s not working, and what beneficial changes could be made during this uncertain time.

Along these lines, there are a few things you may benefit from quitting. 

Years ago, I did an episode called, “Be a Quitter.”  I’m a long time fan of quitting things that don’t serve me.  In fact, I can’t stand supposed inspirational quotes that suggest we should not be quitters.  I think we should frequently assess what’s no longer working for us and quit those things quickly and without hesitation, in order to make space for the things that serve us, promote good physical and mental health, allow for appropriate boundaries with others, and keep us evolving in the directions we want to grow and thrive.

As you have settled into new routines over the past 6 weeks, it is likely that you’ve also settled into some routines that aren’t optimal.  Listen in to this episode to assess where you’re at, what’s not working, and what you might consider quitting in order to maintain optimal mental health as you continue to move through this time. 

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