429: Perhaps Pain Is a Prerequisite For Power

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


Sometimes we forget that we have power.  So much power.  That no one and no circumstances can take from us.

We forget that we have the power to make choices, the power to decide (and upgrade) our thoughts, the power to manage and adjust expectations, the power to pause before reacting, the power to find joy in the middle of deep sadness, the power to build something when everything around us is seemingly falling apart.

When we are in pain, it can be hard to find our power.

But what if your pain is a prerequisite for your power?

What if it is the pain that pushes you to reach in, lean in, own your power, and stand back up?

Your power is abundant.  It is limitless.  It is expansive and constantly evolving.

Right now you are likely in pain in one way or another, or perhaps in many ways.  Know that from that pain you have the power to:

* Manage and upgrade your thoughts

* Determine your actions

* Demonstrate love, compassion and kindness

* Make choices that serve you and your family

* Set boundaries

* Choose to be purposeful and intentional

* Restore hope

* Connect with others in new ways

* Be creative in how you operate in new norms

* Adapt to circumstances that initially felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable

* Change you see the world

* Create new guidelines for how you want to live

* Grow into new ways of being that feel positive and purposeful

* Channel joy in the smallest moments of the day

* Nurture relationships in new ways

* Thrive under conditions that would normally seem oppressive

I want you to look at the verbs that kick off each of the above examples of power:

* Manage

* Determine

* Demonstrate

* Make

* Set

* Choose

* Restore

* Connect

* Be

* Adapt

* Change

* Create

* Grow

* Channel

* Nurture

* Thrive

These are all actions you are capable of, actions you have power over.  What forms of power will you choose today?  How will you harness your pain and turn it into something that allows you to KEEP GOING, to KEEP SHOWING UP, to KEEP SHINING? 

Listen in for more guidance to tap into your innate power during hard times.

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