428: Monica Packer: Prioritizing Progress Over Perfection

Shameless Leadership - A podcast by Sara Dean


Monica Packer is passionate about teaching practical transformation. As a podcaster, growth coach, and podcast educator, she guides women to find sustainable growth by adopting progress over perfection. Monica is a former middle school teacher, a forever Oprah and Harry Potter fangirl, a perpetual cookie dough maker, and a beginning swimmer. She's a mama of four living in the Bay Area, CA.

We recorded this interview before COVID-19 reared its ugly head.  But there has never been a better time to learn how to better manage and even overcome perfectionism.  We are all working so hard right now to keep the world spinning and Monica and I want to give you a ton of permission to just keep taking one imperfect step after another. 

Listen in to hear Monica share:

  • The root of perfectionism and how it shows up specifically for moms
  • How a lack of goal setting and action taking is also a form of perfectionism
  • The truth about overachieving and underachieving perfectionists
  • Her own experience with perfectionism that led her through eating disorders and suicidal ideation
  • How leaning into the opposite side of perfectionism allows her to disconnect her worth from her achievements
  • How to use imperfect action as exposure therapy to recover from perfectionism
  • How you can prioritize progress over perfection
  • How to model imperfect action to high achiever/perfectionist kids

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