Show 006: The Commodore 128
The Retrobits Podcast - A podcast by [email protected]
Who says 128K of RAM isn't enough?
This is show #006! Today's podcast focuses on the Commodore 128 computer, a wonderful example of advanced 8-bit technology.
As always, here are the links discussed in the podcast...
The Lamp and other Apple II
publications are available at A2Central. The
parent site is definitely worth checking
out as well!
Want to see great pictures of retro computers, including many international
models? Have a look at the Home
Computer Museum.
Do a Google search for the C64 DTV - a cute
little joystick with the brains of a Commodore 64!
You can purchase GEOS and related applications at the website. They sell
hardware and software for Commodore systems, including the CMD line of
The site has a
great page on
the Commodore 128.
Find out about the
C65, an 8-bit
that never saw daylight (except in prototypes) at the
Secret Weapons of
Good pictures and good information can be found at the
Old Computers page for the
VICE emulates the C128 (and many other
Commodore systems).
Be sure to send us any comments, questions or feedback to [email protected]
Our Theme Song is "Sweet" from the "Re-Think" album by Galigan
Thanks for listening!
- Earl