#15 Family Last to Family First

Hi, Fam! - A podcast by Avital Schreiber Levy

Have you noticed that the growing trend of "family last" culture? This episode holds a heartfelt hope: that each of us can consciously pivot towards a "family first" culture.  When we place family at the forefront, we're not just fostering stronger relationships, we're also shaping future generations. It is - literally - how we change the world. Raising children with a strong emotional foundation, equipping them with the resilience to face the challenges that lie ahead - is not for the faint of heart. It's an epic adventure.  Exit the "family last" culture and rediscover the viable, available, and sustainable paths to deep meaning, belonging, and purpose. ____________ In my membership for parents, "The Studio", we put family FIRST. Learn more at hifam.com/studio

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