The Mustards

are you a snob? or are you more casual? do you like to know everything about a certain subject or are you more spread out in your knowledge about wine, coffee, restaurants etc. today we share our thoughts on the topic of snobbism. Also, jenny shares a story about how she figured out feminism at a VERY early age! we talk about : – why is the greatest restaurant in the world serving captain crunch ? – the man who tricked the world into drinking ! – cultural differences in communication ? – what’s up with americans and conference calls ! – why are swedes impolite when addressing people ? – what do you say when you bump into someone ? and of course, it wouldn’t feel like tuesday without david’s semi-funny anecdote about people we don’t know : this week it’s all about the angry landowner that has declared war on the swedish army ! love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit