Buying Our First Home In London!

You asked for us to talk about this so here it is, the episode all about buying/renting property! As you know we are looking to invest in first property together, but we had no idea the Mustards Facebook group would blow up with requests for us to talk about this topic! We talk about horrible places we've lived before when we were dirt poor from a slum lord in Shoreditch, buying property vs. renting, Swedish vs. British living, and all of the how-tos, pros and cons. How much money do we want to spend? Will Jenny spend everything we have on a massive Mustard Mansion? If you have any tips on nice areas in London to buy property then let us know! One of our goals for 2020 is to grow this podcast! Spread the word about it, tell all your friends and your enemies and leave a like on the video podcast on YouTube. We really appreciate it! This Podcast is sponsored by HiSmile: Go to and get 20% off with the discount code 'themustards' & Betterhelp: Go to and get 10% off your first month. & Skillshare: Go to and get two months of Skillshare for FREE! :) Join Our Facebook Group: Let us know your thoughts @themustards_ on instagram Check Out Jenny's Channel: Buy Jenny's book here: US: UK: DE: WORLDWIDE SHIPPING !!! love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit