eBay Episode 2 – A Variety Package
History of Personal Computing - A podcast by The History of Personal Computing
David and (Cylon) Jeff made it back… again… on their revamped new format.
You may have discovered that this series a little more laid back than the original shows. It is certainly a fun way to discuss these vintage systems, mixing together personal memories and an occasional wistfulness over many unobtainable varieties of personal computing systems available back in the day.
The topic of this episode is a collection of rather obscure and rare personal computing systems. We apologize for the bandwidth issues on Jeff’s side which caused his audio to create a “cylon” vocal effect on occasion.
Also note, Jeff talks about an RS-232 and its data transfer limits. He was referring to the Model 100’s RS-232 port, not the RS-232 standard specifications.
Links mention in this episode:
- Here’s What We Thought About Windows 30 Years Ago
- Q-Link History
- Q-Link Reloaded – Try Q-Link for yourself… TODAY!!!
Auctions picked for this episode:
- Jeff’s
- David’s
Additional auctions