#369 Personalised Therapy: How Technology is Changing Mental Health Care with Charlie Wells, CEO of HelloSelf

The Healthtech Podcast - A podcast by Dr. James Somauroo


This week, James is joined by Charlie Wells, Founder and CEO of HelloSelf. In what he calls his ‘before life’ Charlie studied neurobiology at Oxford before moving to London to work in healthcare marketing, then in 2011 a life-threatening brain haemorrhage changed everything. After surviving a coma and pioneering surgery, Charlie decided to make the most of his second chance, focusing on personal well-being, relationships and making a positive impact. HelloSelf was founded off the back of this, responding to the growing demand for mental health services. HelloSelf helps people feel better, faster, and stay better, longer, by pairing individuals with therapists through their clinical matching team, designing therapy to fit an individuals' unique needs.

Get in touch with the HelloSelf team: http://www.helloself.com

Apply to be a guest: www.thehealthtechpodcast.com

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