Military Chaplains Needed

The Generations Radio Program - A podcast by Generations

Right now, there is a 50% vacancy in the chaplain positions in the Oregon Air National Guard. Sadly, it’s indicative of the absence of chaplains nationwide.  According to Brigadier General David Unruh, a regular listener to Generations Radio and the commander of 2,400 Airmen in Oregon, he sees a great opportunity for ministry. He hopes Generations listeners who are pastors will prayerfully consider serving one weekend per month in the Oregon National Guard -- or the National Guard of their home state -- as a chaplain.  After listening to the July 4th podcast about The Black Robed Regiment of 18th century pastors who boldly challenged the men in their church to fight for American independence, he emailed me, Adam McManus, and shared that he has passed out dozens of copies of Pastor Jonas Clark’s sermon  following the Battle of Lexington to Christian officers. On May 2, 1778, General George Washington issued a unique order for the Continental Army at Valley Forge. It read, “The Commander-in-Chief directs that divine services be performed every Sunday at 11 o’clock on each brigade which has chaplains. While we are duly performing the duty of good soldiers, we are not to be inattentive to the highest duties of religion.” Brigadier General Unruh said, “The role of ministers serving as military chaplains is older than our nation and is as foundational as any other dearly-held principle of liberty upon which our nation was founded. I personally believe all the other principles of liberty rest on Gospel freedom.” He added, “I am surprised that conservative and reformed Christians do not understand that the Dominion Mandate in Genesis and the Great Commission in Matthew necessarily imply risk and sacrifice.” He cited great historical role models who were willing to take a stand in their day like chaplains should take a stand for Christ today. * Athinasius – who boldly spoke out against the heresy of Arianism, the view that Jesus was not divine as taught by Arius. Athinasius declared, “If the world is against the truth, then I will be against the world.”   * John Knox, the Scottish reformer, who stood for Biblical truth, famously said, “The man who stands with God is always in the majority.” Brigadier General Unruh said, “Knox understood the nature of pastoral mathematics.” * The Apostle Paul who boldly preached the Gospel to Agrippa (Acts 25:13-26:32) and to Caesar. Rear Admiral Gregory Todd, chief of Navy chaplains, urged the church to help find chaplain candidates. He said, “The bulk of our ‘flock’ are 18- to 25-year-olds, often faced with adult challenges for the first time in their lives. It involves seeing people through some of their most joyful moments to their most personally challenging.” The soldiers most connected to their faith “are 50%-80% less likely to die by suicide, 60% less likely to suffer depression, 80% less likely to suffer addiction, and 70% less likely to participate in risky behaviors.” So, your work as a chaplain could literally save lives and ensure that Airmen stay on the straight and narrow. If you are younger than the age of 42, have your MDiv or at least 72 hours of graduate work toward a Master of Divinity, can spare one weekend a month which would compensate you $1,200/month, then visit the website, call 240-612-7753, or email [email protected]  To reach Brigadier General David Unruh directly, email [email protected] 

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