S3 E3 Two Cool Crones Pass through the Veil, A Bunch of Mabon Goddesses & Associations, and 13 Fun Autumnal Activities
The Cottage Witch - A podcast by Hester Makepeace

Hester discusses two amazing crone women who have passed through the veil this year--Anne Rice and Queen Elizabeth II, as well as both traditional and modern Mabon Goddesses and Autumnal Equinox activities to enjoy this Autumn. Find Hester Makepeace on Instagram, Facebook, and at Anchor.fm. Email Hester at [email protected] Buy her a cup of coffee at Show Notes: About Mabon: Robinson, Sarah. "Honouring the Autumn Goddesses." Kindred Spirit. 19 Sep. 2019. https://kindredspirit.co.uk/2019/09/19/honouring-autumn-goddesses/ Mabon Crafts: Make some Corn Husk Witches--and feel free to dye them any of the many fall colors. Najafi, Cheryl. "Dyed Cornhusk Witch." Everyday Dishes. 26 Sep. 2014. https://everydaydishes.com/holiday/diy-dyed-cornhusk-witch/ Six Ways to Preserve those Beautiful Autumn Leaves: Starr, Lana. "How to Preserve Fall Leaves." WikiHow. 8 Nov. 2021. https://www.wikihow.com/Preserve-Fall-Leaves A perfect banishing energy spell for Mabon, Samhain, or any 3rd quarter moon in autumn and all 15 celebration ideas: Zenith, Autumn. "15 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Celebrate Mabon." Witchcrafted Life: Where Witchcraft Meets Papercraft. https://witchcraftedlife.com/15-free-and-low-cost -ways-to-celebrate-mabon-fall-equinox/ Zenith, Autumn. Apple Magick Banishing Spell. The Witch of Lupine Hollow. https://witchoflupinehollow.com/2019/09/20/apple-magick-banishing-spell-for-mabon/