The ServerlessCast #2 - Kubeless - Serverless Framework for Kubernetes

The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios


Brian talks with Sebastien Goasguen (@sebgoa, Founder @skippbox)about his experience with containers, the focus of Skippbox, market demand for serverless, the architecture of Kubeless, and how the emerging serverless+kubernetes projects need to evolve.

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Show Notes:
  • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Give us some of your background, as well as what you’re doing at Skippbox these days.
  • Topic 2 - Before we jump into “Kubeless”, let’s talk about what you’re hearing around serverless in the market today.
  • Topic 3 - Tell us about the Kubeless architecture.
  • Topic 4 - With different serverless functions, they initially support a limited subset of languages. Since Kubernetes is language agnostic, why does the limitation exist, or how complex is it to add new languages?
  • Topic 5 - You mention on the project’s GitHub page that there are other “serverless on Kubernetes” alternatives out there (Funktions, Fission, OpenWhisk, etc.). Do you expect that one of these projects will emerge, or do you see these starting to merge and just become a job type within Kubernetes?
  • Topic 6 - Let’s come back to Skippbox. You have a focus on Kubernetes and the tooling around making it easier to deploy and run. What are you seeing in the Kubernetes market and when are people engaging with Skippbox?

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