Atheist Experience 24.44 2020-11-01 with Matt Dillahunty & Jenna Belk

The Atheist Experience - A podcast by The Atheist Community of Austin - Lunedì

Hello all you atheists (and theists) out there! The hosts of Atheist Experience today are our very own Matt Dillahunty and Jenna Belk. Tune in to see Jenna’s big announcement!!Our first caller, Eddie in Canada objects to Matt’s use of a moral/slavery argument. Matt’s position is slavery in the bible is immoral but Eddie thinks if a god commands it, it is moral. How can you tell the difference between someone thinking god told them versus god actually commanding it?Ulrich in Mexico says that phrases akin to “oh my god” proves god’s existence. We are not calling on a literal god, just using a phrase found commonly in society’s lexicon. Lester in NC asks about objective morality, asking if certain situations are objectively bad. What does it matter if something is objectively immoral? Christians can not demonstrate morality comes from a god, let along prove that god. Anne in Turkey worries thinking about skepticism triggers mental health issues. Skepticism is just not believing something without good evidence. Check into resources in your area and look into Recovering From Religion. Jesus in CA argues God is a personal being outside of time, space, and matter. Does God interact with reality at all? Design is not interaction and DNA is neither a code or evidence for design. Oh no, now we're talking about the big bang theory…Anthony in FL tells us that atheists are hypocritical because we would vote for a believer. He rambled on about inane “what-if” scenarios but couldn’t point out why atheists are hypocritical. Dmitriy in CA argues that fine tuning is the best argument for the existence of a god. We can not show that physics could work another way, the argument fails that it was fine tuned. We look for explanations supported by scientific evidence, it is impossible to define the supernatural in science. Cindy in Belgium asks about inductive and deductive reasoning. There is no requirement that logic address true premises, it is possible in an inductive argument for the conclusion to not be true. What a fun call on logic and syllogisms! John in GA asks if we are predetermined to believe in god if you believe in predeterminism? We believe that the universe is deterministic. We believe that people can choose to change their minds on their beliefs. Lastly, Preston in UT asks how life was created given the laws of entropy. We don't know, those that claim knowledge has the burden of proof. There are scientists working on abiogenesis. If you say that life arising on earth violates the law of entropy, write a paper and get a Nobel prize. Thanks for tuning in, we are so glad you joined us today. Keep wearing your masks and please go vote!Become a supporter of this podcast:

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