
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Chelsea’s gone off driving and she asks David about insurance. She feels like she has whiplash and wants to know if she can sue for the accident involving Blake. Not really following Chelsea’s train of thought, David says theoretically she could. When Tracy hears Chelsea’s plan to sue, she tells her she’s talking rubbish and has no idea. Later, Tracy catches up with upset Chelsea who reveals her naïve plan had good intentions. Jennifer’s noticed how Alice always seems better after spending time at The Stables. But there’s been no update on her divorce plans. Meanwhile Jennifer gets Brian to taste the pavlova she hopes will persuade Ruth to switch her from starters to puddings for the Harvest Supper. Brian frets about the future of Home Farm. As he told Stella, when it comes to succession there is currently no one in position to take over. Later, Brian hears a horror story about a divorce involving a farm from David when he tells him the news about Alice and Chris. Brian tells Jennifer her request to make a pudding for the Harvest Supper’s been granted. He shocks her with a proposal to sell Home Farm altogether. Not only could Alice’s divorce risk the farm’s viability, there are also seismic changes in agriculture at the moment. Brian explains it means he could actually retire and all of the children’s futures would be financially secure. Jennifer thinks this sounds wonderful but notes Brian would be giving up on his dream of passing the farm on. Brian replies sagely that sometimes dreams change.

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