
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Jolene and Kenton are having to make difficult phone calls cancelling pre-arranged functions due to the power outage in the pub. Both are worried about what this will do to the business and how long The Bull might be closed for. The only saving grace is that at least they have electricity still in their flat. The couple are struggling to find an electrician who can come at short notice when they realise that neither of them has asked Lilian to speak to the contractors she employs through Amside. Later Lilian comes up trumps, having persuaded a contractor called Pete away from his Sunday roast to come and have a look. Kenton is hopeful the power will be back in time for the Renew Fashion Show. Lilian suggests that they should put Tracy and Emma to work doing other tasks since they can’t do their normal jobs behind the bar. In the tea room, Fallon and Mia are discussing the final details for the show. Mia seems stressed and overwhelmed, complaining about Lily and her over-the-top ideas for the choreography and special effects for the catwalk. It’s obvious she is worried about the pub and whether the power will be back on by Friday. Later, as they sort donated clothes at The Bull, Lilian suggests creating a glossy programme and generously offers to pay for it. Mia is horrified, insisting it is an eco-friendly, paperless show. When Lilian suggests she may be excluding older audience members, Mia is dismissive and Lilian leaves, disgruntled.

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