
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Alistair tells Denise Chris looked like thunder when he got out of his car. Denise isn’t feeling too cheery herself. The spike in abandoned “lockdown” pets they’re having to put down is getting to her. Alistair sees Stella’s dog Weaver. Denise is pleased Stella’s so committed to Weaver’s welfare, declaring they see plenty of people who obtained lockdown dogs from unlicensed dealers, bringing unvaccinated puppies from abroad, that are then abandoned when they become a problem. Stella admires how much Alistair and Denise care. Stella visits Shula to explore taking up riding again. In conversation, Stella mistakes Denise for Alistair’s wife. Shula corrects Stella, explaining she used to be married to Alistair and Denise is happily married elsewhere. Lilian asks Jazzer to buy her milk when he’s in the village shop – things are awkward between her and Susan. Jazzer’s happy to help; he’s plenty of time to do favours since Justin cut his Berrow hours anyway. Lilian protests that was a BL decision. Jazzer admits he was in the shop buying food for Tracy and her family. Tracy’s car has been written off, and she’ll have to use her redundancy money to buy a new one. Lilian asks if there’s anything she can do. Jazzer suggests Lilian book a visit from a kitchen sales rep. For his scam to work, Jazzer just needs Lilian to agree to the visit and he will get a bonus. Lilian warns Jazzer that Justin hates sales people. She’ll have to ask him first and she’s no idea what he’ll say.

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