
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Pat’s brought biscuits to Helen and Lee’s. She’s still apologetic for her outburst on Sunday – she can’t believe how badly she got it wrong. Helen reassures her. They all have good reason to fear Rob and his control. She’s determined he’ll never get back into their lives. Pat wonders if Ursula’s funeral’s happened yet. Helen doesn’t care. It means a lot to her that Lee and her boys are getting on happily – and Lee faces it all with his own quiet courage. Pat observes Helen has courage, too. Tracy’s impressed with the pub Jazzer’s new mate has recommended – until she discovers the mate is Den, her ex. Both of them are shocked to see each other. For Tracy it’s too weird, and she drags Jazzer away. Back at home Jazzer apologises to Tracy – he never equated the name Dennis with Den and it didn’t occur to him it was the same bloke. Tracy reckons you couldn’t make it up. She gets a message from Den. He’s outside and wants to talk. Jazzer offers to accompany her but Tracy’s fine on her own. Den insists he didn’t want to mess with her and Jazzer. His fiftieth has encouraged him to make a new start. He feels he hasn’t done right by Chelsea and Brad and he wants to make it up to them. Tracy remarks he’s ten years too late, but Den pleads for one more chance. Tracy promises to talk to them and let Den know how it goes.

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