
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Tony’s surprised to see Adam in the Bridge Farm Shop. Adam explains he’s resigned from his job – though he’s hasn’t told Jennifer yet. When Tony shares that Bridge Farm is short of labour, Adam offers to help. This surprises Tony – it’s menial and not highly paid. But Adam is definite; he’ll start tomorrow. Shula challenges Lilian about Justin’s intentions with the Stables. He’s been snooping round and taking photos. Lilian explains Justin seems to have had a change of heart since initially dismissing the idea of investing in The Stables. Shula is wary and says she’ll go it alone after all. Lilian tries to reassure Shula that she won’t let Justin re-model the Stables and pleads for her to hang on until she’s heard exactly what Justin has in mind. Jazzer shows Blake round Berrow then sets him to work strimming the verges. Blake is mortified when he accidentally cuts an electric fence wire with the strimmer. Jazzer tells him not to worry and together they fix the problem. But Blake can’t let go of the fact that he’s done wrong and expects punishment. He recalls an unsettling memory from when he was enslaved. Jazzer listens compassionately and assures him he’s safe now. He adds that the people at Berrow Farm can be trusted and that Blake deserves a fresh start.

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