
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Adam informs Brian he’s just received confirmation of his new job at Danforth Barton Farm. Ideally they want him to start in a few weeks. Brian is understanding and says they will make it work. Adam admits it’s going to be hard to adjust, he’ll miss Home Farm, but he’s sure he’s made the right decision. Brian suggests they present a united front when they tell Jennifer Adam’s leaving. Brian says he has a couple of replacement candidates lined up and will give Adam their CVs to look through. Jennifer doesn’t take the news well, and initially blames Brian for Adam’s decision to leave. Adam explains he wants to spread his wings. Jennifer eventually accepts Adam’s choice but is still annoyed at being kept out of the loop. She wants to take an active role in the replacement selection. Vince asks Elizabeth why she hasn’t responded to his messages. Elizabeth confronts Vince and asks who was telling the truth about the wedding, him or Steph. Vince admits it was Steph, but that it’s more complicated than it seems. All three of Vince’s ex-wives are now attending the wedding along with Beth, the daughter he’s not speaking to – he just didn’t want Elizabeth witnessing all his dirty linen being aired. He begs her to come to the wedding. Elizabeth’s disappointed he lied, but can understand his reasons. She agrees to attend the wedding but makes it clear Vince is being given a second chance – there won’t be a third.

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