The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4

On their way to Handale Prison Neil and Susan are both feeling nervous, but pleased George has agreed to see them. When they get there though George is bitter and distant, seemingly more concerned about what other prisoners will think if he’s too friendly with his grandparents. Neil and Susan struggle finding a subject George doesn’t twist into an angry response. When Neil raises how worried they are about bad influences on him, George makes it clear he only invited them out of pity and wants them to go. Neil then has a go at George about how much it has cost Susan in particular coming on this visit, but George responds by guilt tripping them over what could happen to him in prison - and it will be all their fault. On their way home Neil and Susan admit the visit was awful and George was horrible. They wonder what they’re going to tell Emma, who texts, then rings. They consider glossing over the whole experience, but in the end it might be better to just tell Emma the truth.At Bridge Farm Pat and Tony are pleased with the handsome new buck that’s arrived, hopeful that serious Henry won’t turn out anything like George. When Pat expresses her frustration that Helen hasn’t just gone ahead and bought Kirsty’s Beechwood house Tony tells her about his idea of building an eco-house. He admits they’d have to okay everything with Helen, Tom and Natasha, but Pat thinks they’re too old to make such a big change. However, Tony isn’t giving up on his dream just yet.