
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Clarrie’s attempting to fix a leaking pipe. Susan suggests escaping to a craft fair. If Eddie thinks she’s at work he’ll be none the wiser, and she can leave him a to do list. Clarrie capitulates. She has a great time, but keeps getting odd texts from Eddie asking about her colour preferences. Susan’s smugness is punctured when Neil too sends a text saying he might be late home. They note wistfully there’s a music festival on tomorrow. Clarrie arrives home to find Eddie’s to do list untouched. Why should she bake him a birthday cake when he can’t be bothered to pitch in? She tells Susan she’ll go to the music festival after all. At the Cheltenham Festival Adam and Brian happily eye up winning prospects. Brian’s grateful. This was a good idea. They’re amused that Brian was ambushed by Lavinia Rafferty, but at least she didn’t avoid him like most people do just now. Adam remarks he’s really enjoying working at Bridge Farm. Brian’s pleased to hear it. He’s really proud of what Adam’s achieving there, and of his young family. He’s been a good son, and Brian hasn’t always been the father he ought to be. Touched, Adam says if he’s thought of anyone as his dad, it’s Brian. He confesses he discovered the letter from Paddy and might try to find him. Worried he’s upset Brian he apologises, but Brian’s more taken aback at Jennifer keeping the letter than at Adam looking for Paddy. He thinks it’s sensible, assuring Adam he’s there if he needs him.

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