
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Chelsea and Tracy wait to see the midwife; Chelsea nervously wonders what she can tell her that she doesn’t already know. Chelsea goes in to see the midwife alone, explaining she’s got to make her own decisions. When the midwife asks Chelsea how many weeks pregnant she is, Chelsea tells her the date of the rave. Chelsea’s shocked when the midwife points out it’s calculated from a couple of weeks prior to this, so Chelsea’s further along than she thinks. Tracy bumps into Natasha at the clinic. Tracy fudges that she’s there to meet up with one of the nurses who’s a friend. But when Natasha asks which one, flustered Tracy can’t identify the nurse’s name. When Chelsea comes out of her appointment she bursts into tears, saying she’s been an idiot. She’s got the dates wrong. Tracy explains gently that’s why she’s been on at Chelsea to make a decision. Chelsea says once she’s seen the Pregnancy Advisory Service on Friday, she’ll have all the facts and then she’ll know what to do. Helen tells Lee that Joy’s buyer for the hot tub has fallen through but she’s still trying to sell it. As it’s so difficult broaching the subject with Joy, they decide they should talk to Mick. Later Natasha tells Helen and Lee about seeing Tracy at the clinic. Although Tracy said she there to see a friend, she was sitting outside a midwife’s room. When Lee asks Natasha if she thinks Tracy’s pregnant, Natasha can’t think of any other reason for Tracy being there.

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