
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Grateful Brian presents Jazzer and Jim with a single malt in appreciation of their contributions yesterday. He reports Jennifer’s been in a bit of a flap – they can’t visit the hospital and are relying on updates from Chris. Lilian and Kate are at Willow Cottage with Jennifer. Brian stays for breakfast at Greenacres and they swap birthing stories. Proud Jazzer declares he can’t imagine not wanting to be there to help Alice. Brian enquires as to whether he’d like to become a dad. Jazzer scoffs; he’d need to find someone to have kids with first. Later, while Brian’s on the phone, Jim congratulates Jazzer on his sterling efforts the day before and then attempts to apologise for his part in Jade’s departure last week. Jazzer gets it; it’s fine. Brian returns and announces the baby’s middle name will be in honour of Jim or Jazzer. But which one, they wonder. Alice is fretting that her baby’s early birth was down to her. The doctor reassures both her and Chris. The baby’s fine; small but not a worrying weight. And there are lots of things that can bring on a premature labour. Chris admonishes Alice not to keep blaming herself. The doctor encourages them to hold the baby but Alice is reluctant. Emotional Chris holds the baby and promises her that no harm will come to her. Spotting Chris’s sleep deficit and highly charged state, Alan offers a listening ear. Chris asks him if he’d bless the baby. Alice is initially reluctant, but goes with it and suggests a name for their daughter: Martha. This had been Chris’s choice; he asks if she’s sure and Alice nods. Martha Jasmine Carter. But halfway through the blessing Alice leaves. Chris insists Alan continues, and they finish the blessing without her.

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