
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Tony’s mulling over whether to trim his hair or his beard. He decides on the beard, but his clean shaven look doesn’t cut it with Pat, and she threatens to come at him with her scissors – for a restyle. Tony resolves to let Helen deal with the excess milk difficulties and her doubts over Radio Borsetshire, herself, tempted though he is to get involved. Johnny, on the other hand, he feels he might be able to help; he reassures Johnny he’s doing a good job with the Monteys, and offers to take some of the work from him. Tom has him working too hard. Natasha’s trying to increase her Summer Orchard offer to existing clients. Demand is low, and she’s desperate. Tom’s gung-ho attitude and advice should be inspiring her; but what she could really do with right now is a hug. She knows she’s not handling things as well as he is, but she doesn’t thrive on her own staring at a screen all day – especially when Tom’s too busy to answer her calls or get home on time. To cap it all she gets a notification of a problem with the refrigeration system, and the engineers can’t come out until tomorrow. She misses her parents, and her husband. Things seem to be slipping through her fingers. Johnny’s got Tom barking orders in one ear and Tracy in the other about cricket. The only thing amusing him is the before and after pics of Tony that Helen sent. Granddad really shouldn’t have tackled his own hair; he had to sort it by shaving it off – to Pat’s horror. It gives Johnny the idea to shave his own off, and he does so. He won’t have to cover up his encroaching baldness any more.

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