
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Jakob is on his way out and lets Denise and Paul know their boss Doug Lovell plans to visit tomorrow. They agree they’re glad it’s not Doug’s partner Don, who has an edge. As he leaves Denise tells Paul she spoke to John on the phone last night, and he cried. Alistair is excited about dinner on Friday night but Denise is having second thoughts. Later Paul says John has messaged to say he had an amazing conversation with Denise and he feels a lot better. She tells Alistair John cried on the phone and wants to try again. Alistair is crushed and tells Jakob he’s thinking of leaving the practice. Jakob tells him bluntly that he’s lying. Alistair confesses he can’t cope with working with Denise while he feels so strongly about her. Jakob begs him not to say anything to Doug when he visits tomorrow. Later Alistair tells Jim Denise has decided to work on her marriage. Jim is sorry, so is Alistair. Alice visits the shop to invite Jim and Jazzer to Martha’s birthday. Jim says he plans to go back to bed with a book, reminding Alice that it’s World Book Day and she doesn’t have an outfit for Martha. Jim suggests he look through costumes left over from Ambridge panto but his suggestions are unsuitable for a three year old. But material for a Very Hungry Caterpillar costume is a hit. Brian checks in on Alice and they reminisce about Jenny – it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday. Alice says she has asked Harry to speak up for Harrison and she believes he will.

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