
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Standing outside the Shop Pat and Kirsty catch up about the ongoing effects of the sewage spill. Pat’s looking for more testimonials to add to their social media page, plus getting the petition more widely disseminated. Inside the Shop Kirsty tells Joy how much trying to sell her house is getting her down. She’s frustrated with Tom and Natasha, who seem to be holding up the sale deliberately. Then Lilian enters and confesses to snooping around outside Home Farm because she wanted to see what the owners had done to it. Lilian buys Joy and Mick an expensive bottle of wine to compensate for disturbing them. In return Joy offers to let Lilian look around inside the house while Mick is away. Can Brian come too, Lilian wonders? Later, Brian and Lilian agree sadly that there is virtually nothing of Jenny’s influence left in the Home Farm kitchen: it used to be her pride and joy. They are scathing about the Gills turning the house into an investment property. Lilian then finds gloomy Brian sitting in a favourite old haunt. He accidentally breaks a robot vacuum cleaner and they decide it’s time to get out of there.When Pat returns to Bridge Farm Tony’s grumpy with her for spending too much time campaigning and not enough time supporting staff in their struggling business. Tony despairs that nothing Pat or anyone else does will affect what Borsetshire Water do, but Pat disagrees. In a throwback to her younger days Pat thinks this could finally be her chance to make a difference.

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