
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Tracy’s keen to go out on the bike with Jazzer. She’s packed a picnic. Jazzer grins that she’s changed her tune – she didn’t like the noisy bike before. Tracy explains she was just jealous. She really fancies a go on the bike. However once she’s had a ride she’s appalled at the speed Jazzer rode; he nearly killed her! In turn he’s furious she didn’t lean with him on the bends. He thinks she’s being a drama queen; she thinks he’s a madman. She refuses to ride back with him, so he offers to flag someone down to give her a lift. But he can’t start the bike, and they’re both marooned as the heavens open. Eddie comes to the rescue in his limo. Jazzer’s crestfallen; he’ll never get the bike in there! Eddie won’t have Jazzer inside either – he’s covered in oil. Tracy climbs gleefully into the limo. This has turned from the worst date ever into the best. Mia broaches the subject of her plastic survey with Eddie, who’s less than keen. Not even her best persuasive powers can get him on board. She calls Ruairi, explaining Eddie’s blown her out, bumbling through the conversation as she ties herself in knots. Kind Ruairi offers to show Mia round Home Farm for her survey. As they chat about their respective families’ troubles past and present, Mia tells Ruairi she thinks he’s lovely. He returns the compliment, but makes it clear there’s nothing else from his side. Crushed Mia styles it out. She didn’t mean anything like that – as if…

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